PsCreateSystemThread routine

Processes and Threads in combination in most operating systems are divided into two set of implementation :
  • User Mode Implementation (User-Land)
  • Kernel Mode Implementation (Kernel-Land)
In case of kernel threads, these threads are the lightest threads, within each process there is at-least one kernel thread, however in situations where a process have different kernel threads, they’re sharing resources as mentioned above .
other threads are User-Space threads, operating system don’t aware of them and these threads are in control and schuduled by userspace and implementation of these threads are carried out by usermode libraries .
With this basic set of information we are going to implement a kernel thread in windows xp service pack 3.
There’s an almost an undocumented function in windows kernel “ntoskrnl.exe” named “PsCreateSystemThread”, it’s also notable that this function is exported by “ntoskrnl.exe” and “ntkrnlpa.exe” (Physical address enabled version of windows kernel) .

The PsCreateSystemThread routine creates a system thread that executes in kernel mode and returns a handle for the thread.

NTSTATUS PsCreateSystemThread(
_Out_ PHANDLE ThreadHandle,
_In_ ULONG DesiredAccess,
_In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
_In_opt_ HANDLE ProcessHandle,
_Out_opt_ PCLIENT_ID ClientId,
_In_ PKSTART_ROUTINE StartRoutine,
_In_opt_ PVOID StartContext


ThreadHandle [out]

Points to a variable that will receive the handle. The driver must close the handle with ZwClose once the handle is no longer in use. This handle is a kernel handle for Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. In earlier versions of Windows, the handle might not be a kernel handle.
The ZwClose routine closes an object handle.

_In_ HANDLE Handle

ObjectAttributes [in, optional]

Points to a structure that specifies the object’s attributes. OBJ_PERMANENT, OBJ_EXCLUSIVE, and OBJ_OPENIF are not valid attributes for a thread object. On Windows XP and later versions of Windows, if the caller is not running in the system process context, it must set the OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE attribute for ObjectAttributes. Drivers for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows 98/Me must only call PsCreateSystemThread from the system process context. For Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the handle will be a kernel handle.

ProcessHandle [in, optional]

Specifies an open handle for the process in whose address space the thread is to be run. The caller’s thread must have PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD access to this process. If this parameter is not supplied, the thread will be created in the initial system process. This value should be NULL for a driver-created thread. Use the NtCurrentProcess macro, defined in Ntddk.h, to specify the current process.
ClientId [out, optional]

Points to a structure that receives the client identifier of the new thread. This value should be NULL for a driver-created thread.
StartRoutine [in]

Is the entry point for a driver thread.
StartContext [in, optional]

Supplies a single argument that is passed to the thread when it begins execution.
Return value

PsCreateSystemThread returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the thread was created.

Drivers that create device-dedicated threads call this routine, either when they initialize or when I/O requests begin to come in to such a driver’s Dispatch routines. For example, a driver might create such a thread when it receives an asynchronous device control request.

PsCreateSystemThread creates a kernel-mode thread that begins a separate thread of execution within the system. Such a system thread has no TEB or user-mode context and runs only in kernel mode.

If the input ProcessHandle is NULL, the created thread is associated with the system process. Such a thread continues running until either the system is shut down or the thread terminates itself by calling PsTerminateSystemThread.

On Windows XP and later versions of Windows, driver routines that run in a process context other than that of the system process must set the OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE attribute for the ObjectAttributes parameter of PsCreateSystemThread. This restricts the use of the handle returned by PsCreateSystemThread to processes running in kernel mode. Otherwise, the thread handle can be accessed by the process in whose context the driver is running. Drivers can set the OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE attribute as follows.

InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL);

Drivers for Windows 2000 and Windows 98/Me must call PsCreateSystemThread only from the system process context.

ntStatus = PsCreateSystemThread( &hThread,THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, WorkerThread ,NULL);

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